Did the Vatican steal Jesus' foreskin
so people would shut up about the savior's penis?
Even before its disappearance, the relic had a strange history.
It was discovered in Calcata in 1557, and a series of miracles soon followed (freak storms, perfumed mists engulfing the village).
The church gave the finding a seal of approval by offering a 10-year indulgence to those who came to venerate. Lines of pilgrims stretched from the church doors to beyond the walls of the fortress town. Nuns and monks from nearby villages and monasteries made candlelit processions. Calcata was a must-see destination on the pilgrimage map.
That is, until 1900. Facing increasing criticism after the "rediscovery" of a holy foreskin in France, the Vatican decreed that anyone who wrote about or spoke the name of the holy foreskin would face excommunication.